The school is following a dynamic approach to holistic education in a stress-free environment. We promise to give you enough opportunities to play, explore, observe and engage. The teaching-learning materials are of diverse range and there will be a lot of fun and excitement at school, both within and also outside the classroom. The safe, secure and enablingenvironment at Sarvodaya High School will help you to bloomand blossom. The entire team at Sarvodaya is passionate about learning through participation. Participatory and experiential learning will help you become independent thinkers, good decision-makers, socially mature, emotionally stable, and confident individuals. The fun part does not stop here but continues till the playfield to discover, grow and realize your dreams. In your journey through the school, we would always welcome any new ideas and thoughts for improvement in the school. We truly believe in offering a a platform for promoting and imbibing values like –love, respect, compassion, equality, tolerance, and above all becoming Good Human Beings.